
Kadoka Care Center Receives Gift

At the annual Prime Rib Benefit and Auction, held April 13 at the Kadoka Auditorium, the Philip Area Health Foundation (PAHF) presented Kadoka Care Center (KCC) Director Heidi Coller with a check for $5,000.
The KCC made a request to PAHF for assistance in the purchase of an oxygen concentrator and vitals monitor. “It is the goal of the PAHF to be able to help with projects just like this,” stated Foundation director Vonda Hamill, “We formed the foundation to be used as a vehicle to funnel cash gifts to any health entities in the area that have a need to improve the quality of the care they provide.”

If you are interested in making a contribution to the Philip Area Health Foundation to assist in their efforts, contact Vonda Hamill at (605) 859-2342, or email vhamill@monument.health

KCC Director Heidi Coller accepts a gift from PAHF board member Jennifer Henrie.